Mathematical and computer modelling of socio-economic processes. / The collection of articles. Ed. by Ju.N.Gavriletz. #2. - Moscow, CEMI Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001. - 90 p. (Rus.)
The collection of articles presents the results of computer and mathematical analysis of some social and economic processes. Three articles address three main aspects of modeling attitude dynamic: computer visualization of the attitude forming process, computer as an instrument of realization of appropriate experiment, stochastic model. Furthermore the results of analysis of preliminary dynamic model of market economy with variable population structure and the analysis of social and culture indices system applying certain special statistic procedures are provided.
Ответственный редактор - доктор экономических наук Ю.Н.Гаврилец.
Рецензенты: доктор экономических наук В.М.Жеребин,
доктор экономических наук Е.Ю.Фаерман.
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